Prix Michel-DumontLes Prix Duceppe
Show of the Year

DirectionLes Prix Duceppe
Édith Patenaude

Prix Béatrice-Picard (Acting)Les Prix Duceppe
Julie Le Breton

Maude’s daughter has an autism spectrum disorder. Seeking to understand and support her daughter, Maude quickly realizes that there are tremendous difficulties ahead. As she documents the weaknesses of our healthcare system and the flaws in our education system, Maude gradually discovers her own limitations. Can she listen to and understand her daughter? Can she help her without stigmatizing her otherness? And can she learn from that difference?

In this intimate and introspective documentary play, Porte Parole reunites with actress and author Maude Laurendeau, who had participated in the creation and the production of Sexy Béton (2009-2011). Directed by Édith Patenaude, actress Julie Le Breton will give life to the many people crossing Maude and her daughter’s path: health professionals, special educators and teachers, friends, parents of autistic children…

(French video)

The film follows the development of Rose et la Machine by Maude Laurendeau, produced by Porte Parole, in the lead up to opening night in November 2021.

  • Winner: “Meilleur scénario”, festival CinéMEC
  • Official selection for the Cine Paris Film Festival

Spectrum Productions is a Montreal-based charitable organisation which provides opportunities for autistic creators in film, media production and the arts.

Production History

Porte Parole is grateful to our donors for their support.

Conseil des arts du Canada / Canada Council for the ArtsConseil des arts et des lettres du QuébecConseil des arts de Montréal