When—May 13, 2024, 7 pm
Where—Lion d’Or Cabaret (1676 Ontario St. East, Montréal, QC, H2L 1S7)
The event will also be available online.
Following our call for projects, five projects were selected to pitch their idea.
Each candidate has 10 minutes to impress the jury, made up of Mani Soleymanlou, Hugo Latulippe and Annabel Soutar.
The jury expects to see the beginnings of an artistic approach in the project owner’s journey. The greatest challenge for the candidates is to capture the attention of both the public and the jury. The ultimate goal: we want to know more!
Participants have carte blanche as to the shape of their presentation. They can perform an excerpt from their future play, read a testimonial, play a video clip, and so on. Everyone is free to show what they want. Actors or non-actors, the selected people tackle social issues.
Then, thanks to our “citizen’s sofa” space, the public will have five minutes tops to speak about the project that was just presented.
The evening’s winning project will receive a $10,000 grant, courtesy of the Documentary Hub’s founders.

Credit photo : Jean-Christophe Zéphir
$10 presale, $15 starting May 6th and at the door
$20 presale, $25 starting May 6th and at the door
Alexia Vinci – Mentor Agathe Foucault
What role does a territory play in the self-determination of a people?

Jesse Freeston – Mentor Brett Watson
A passionate astrophysicist explores whether humanity’s most famous equation, E=mc2, might enable us to stop burning fossil fuels. (English project)

Jessica Beauplat – Mentor Maude Laurendeau
Should we continue to finance private schools with public funds, while our public schools continue to fall apart?
I think the time has come for Quebecers to begin debating the financing of our education system.

Nadia Girard Eddahia – Mentor Justin Laramée
Through my experiences and love story with a man with compulsive gambling problems, I’m seeking to better understand our relationship with money, addictions and the role the government should be playing.

Kevin T.Landry – Mentor François Grisé
Les Racines Croches is a three-act autobiographical documentary-theatre project that explores the often-turbulent relationship we have with our identity and origins, drawing on my own experiences and relationship with my father.